Saturday, June 12, 2010

Over 200 Cases are now being Review that involve Dr Mian and Charles Smith

Tamara Broomfield has fallen victim to Dr Mians False Testimony and Forged Medical Documents. The Judge Played a Blind Eye to Key Evidence that would have Freed Tamara Broomfield in the Accusation of Assault to her child Malique - Fitzcharles.

The Crown Josh Levy and Judge Tamarin Dunnett both Played a Role and  put a Blind Eye to Key Evidence that would have Freed Tamara Broomfield.  She was convicted by Science and No Eyewitnesses. The only Eye Witness testified he was set up by the Officer John Stoner and they did not call him to the Trial only the Pre Trial

What the shame the system has failed us and is about to put a innocent person in jail . The Boy's Father Steve Fitzcharles is a Well Know Drug  and Crack Dealer in The Toronto Area.  He has also tested positive for cocaine as was selling drugs from Tamara's Building.

Key Facts To Look At.  Lawyer was suspended during trial - Judge Played a Blind Eye. He did not call key evidence - Crown knew of suspension and did not notify the court.

Lawyer takes woman for her money and then lies to the court. His selfishness caused and innocent woman Tamara Broomfield to be Convicted on Crimes she did not Commit. No Eyewitnesses were there.
Lawyer Terry Kirichenko's former client claims she gave him $1,000 to get his attention. (Jan. 19, 2010)

A Legal Aid-funded lawyer accused of cutting corners in a woman's defence because of his upcoming suspension says he did the best job he could, but admits he accepted $300 from her as "a present."
Terry Kirichenko testified Tuesday that his looming suspension had no impact on the job he did for his client, who was convicted of giving a near-fatal dose of cocaine to her toddler.
"If anything it motivated me to want to do better," Kirichenko told prosecutor Joshua Levy.
The 26-year-old Scarborough woman, who cannot be named, claims that her former lawyer, Kirichenko, was in a conflict of interest. She says he called no medical evidence and railroaded her into accepting a judge-alone trial to speed matters along to fit in with his suspension for failing to keep proper records.
He denies her allegations.
She is asking Superior Court Justice Tamarin Dunnet to reopen her case or declare a mistrial.
In April 2009, Dunnet convicted the woman of assault causing bodily harm, aggravated assault, failing to provide the necessities of life and administering a noxious substance with the intent to endanger life.
The woman testified Monday she was so frustrated by Kirichenko's lack of attention to her case that she gave him $1,000 in cash in December 2008, as the trial neared, to get a lengthy meeting to discuss it.
Kirichenko said Tuesday that it was not $1,000 but $300 she stuffed into his pocket.
Daniel Brown, one of the woman's new lawyers, asked Kirichenko if he considered it wrong to accept an extra payment from a client, whose bills were already being paid by Legal Aid Ontario. "It was represented to me as a Christmas present," Kirichenko replied. "It had nothing to do with my fees."
Brown suggested that the woman was giving him the money "because it was the only way she could see you in person."
"That's such nonsense," Kirichenko replied.
The hearing continues.

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